Why is there an annual shortfall?
Since 1991, TBAH has been providing Christian residential care for men and women with intellectual disabilities. These men and women will need assistance their entire lives. The loving, caring home managers of TBAH are providing that care. We, as Tennessee Baptists, are answering the question that the families of adult children with intellectual disabilities eventually ask, “Who will care for my son or daughter when I am no longer able?”
The past 20 years have seen tremendous changes for the group home ministry of TBAH. The table below illustrates some of these changes.
Number of Homes operated by TBAH

Number of Cities where group homes are located

Number of Residents in Adult Homes Care

Number of full-time caregivers employed by TBAH

Number of employees receiving employer sponsored benefits
Percentage of families unable to pay the entire cost of care
18% 47%
Cooperative Program dollars for operation of group homes
$30,000 $30,000
The increase in costs associated with these changes totals over $350,000 annually.
Annual cost of employer sponsored benefits

Relative cost of no Cooperative Program Increase for operation of group homes
Cost resulting from families who cannot pay the entire cost of care

Costs resulting from lack of government funding for day services

Income from endowment funds ($9,200) reduces this shortfall to 

The Father’s Day Offering has grown to a level to offset an additional $250,000 of the annual shortfall.
Fiscal Year
Amt. for Group Homes
Our hope and expectation is that by the end of 2014, the Father’s Day Offering will grow by another $100,000 annually to completely meet this operating shortfall. The 3N3 Initiative will span this 3 year gap.
How to Acquire CareShares
You may acquire a CareShare by donating $500.00 to Tennessee Baptist Adult Homes through the 3N3 Initiative. For example
a monthly gift of $14.00 for the 36 month initiative will acquire 1 CareShare. *
an annual gift of $167.00 for each of the 3 years will acquire 1 CareShare *
a one-time gift of $500.00 will acquire 1 CareShare
Each $500.00 gift will acquire a separate CareShare, so donors may acquire multiple CareShares.
If you wish to give to the 3N3 Initiative but cannot commit to an amount equal to a CareShare, any amount is needed and greatly appreciated.
To make a donation of a CareShare, or any portion thereof, please send your gifts to…
Tennessee Baptist Adult Homes
3N3 Initiative
PO Box 728
Brentwood, TN 37024-0728
Remember to note which facility you would like for your donation to benefit. If you do not wish to designate a particular location, the donation will be applied where it is most needed.
*If you would like to set up an automated withdrawal to be deposited into the 3N3 account for the purpose of honoring this commitment, you can do so by contacting us at the above address or by calling or e-mailing:
Mark Anderson
Director of Disabilities Ministries
Please print, detach and enclose the commitment card below with your donation. Thank you.
3N3 Initiative Commitment
Please circle which home you wish your gift to benefit
Brooks House
Nabi House
Rainbow Jacksboro Rainbow Knoxville
White House
I/We appreciate the group home ministry of TBAH and want to help enable these homes to continue ministering without regard for the financial circumstances of the residents. I/we will…
Commit to pray for this ministry and the staff.
Commit to contribute toward the 3N3 Initiative with a gift of __________________. (Any amount appreciated)
Commit to acquire at least ___ CareShare(s) of $500.00 within the three year period of this initiative.
Please check one:
My gift is enclosed. _________ I will send my gift later._________ My gift will be by automated deposit._________
Name: Phone:
Address: Email:
City: State: ZIP: